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General Health reviews category icon

General Health

Convenient and really helps!

I love that HA Jelly and LB-30 are so convenient to carry around! Just one stick a day and I can easily throw the packaging away after. Both supplements hardly take up any space in my bag.

I also take Liqui Cal/Mag and Black Currant Seed Oil daily. I feel that Black Currant Seed Oil really helps to relieve the discomfort I feel during my monthly cycles.

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HA Jelly graphic illustration LB-30 graphic illustration Liqui Cal/Mag graphic illustration Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration
Heart & Circulation reviews category icon

Heart & Circulation

My blood pressure went back to normal

I was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes many years ago. To keep my condition in control, I took seven different medications a day as prescribed by my doctor but my blood pressure was still in the high-risk range of 160/110.

With the help of PhosChol 565, Super EPA 2000, Black Currant Seed Oil and Liqui Cal/Mag, my blood pressure went back to the normal range of 120/60 in just 5 months. Even my doctor was surprised by the significant improvement and lowered the dosage of my medication.

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Xi Kui

PhosChol 565 graphic illustration Super EPA 2000 graphic illustration Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration Liqui Cal/Mag graphic illustration

I could fall asleep more easily

I used to suffer from severe insomnia for more than 13 years. I was constantly taking sleeping pills but my sleep quality was poor. As a result, I often felt tired during the day and found it really hard to stay focused. I was also diagnosed with hypertension.

I started taking PhosChol 565, Super EPA 2000 and Black Currant Seed Oil. After taking these supplements for a few weeks, my blood pressure improved and I felt more energetic. I could focus better.

I also take Liqui Cal/Mag regularly and found that I could fall asleep more easily. Over time, with the help of Liqui Cal/Mag, I can now sleep soundly without sleeping pills!

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Yue Ding

PhosChol 565 graphic illustration Super EPA 2000 graphic illustration Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration Liqui Cal/Mag graphic illustration
Energy & Vitality reviews category icon

Energy & Vitality

I could fall asleep more easily

I used to suffer from severe insomnia for more than 13 years. I was constantly taking sleeping pills but my sleep quality was poor. As a result, I often felt tired during the day and found it really hard to stay focused. I was also diagnosed with hypertension.

I started taking PhosChol 565, Super EPA 2000 and Black Currant Seed Oil. After taking these supplements for a few weeks, my blood pressure improved and I felt more energetic. I could focus better.

I also take Liqui Cal/Mag regularly and found that I could fall asleep more easily. Over time, with the help of Liqui Cal/Mag, I can now sleep soundly without sleeping pills!

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Yue Ding

PhosChol 565 graphic illustration Super EPA 2000 graphic illustration Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration Liqui Cal/Mag graphic illustration

GLO Caps surprised me in many ways

As a working professional in my late 20s, I often felt tired and lethargic, especially by midday at work. I tried GLO Caps with the initial thought to improve my general well-being, but it surprised me in many ways. I took 2 capsules a day and felt so much more energetic and fresh after that. It made me more effective at work and generally as a person. I have been taking GLO Caps for a year now and it has become a staple in my daily routine.

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GLO Caps graphic illustration

Feel more energised and refreshed

Liqui Cal/Mag helped me and my husband greatly in our sleep quality, and we wake up feeling more energised and refreshed. It has become our staple every night for the last 10 months and we will continue to take it regularly.

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Yun Nai

Liqui Cal/Mag graphic illustration
Digestion reviews category icon


LB-30 is my favourite

As I age, my metabolism slowed down noticeably. I experienced bloating occasionally, which made me feel uncomfortable. But ever since I tried LB-30, those issues are a thing of the past. Now, I go to the bathroom at least twice a day, and my digestive system feels much better. They say "clean gut, clean mind." I really feel like my skin is clearer, and my overall health is improving. LB-30 is my favourite, and I'm grateful for such a great product that has benefited me so much!

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LB-30 graphic illustration

My gut health became more stable

I have a weak gut and tend to struggle with inflammation problems. I've tried many probiotic brands but to no avail. I took LB-30 for 3 months and found my gut health becoming more stable. The skin condition around my chin area have seen improvements.

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Wan Lin

LB-30 graphic illustration

My daughters love LB-30

My daughters do not have a habit of using the toilet outside and tend to experience occasional discomfort. Since young, I bought all sorts of probiotics for them, but they dislike taking them. After trying LB-30, they have been reaching for it on their own initiative every morning!

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Xun Ying

LB-30 graphic illustration

No more painful indigestion!

I used to get a lot of indigestion, even from wearing clothes that are slightly high waisted and on any random day. It's really painful and prevents me from sleeping well. After taking LB-30, my indigestion has reduced tremendously and I no longer suffer from such frequent pain! Will definitely continue with it and highly recommend this!

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Catherine Sim

LB-30 graphic illustration

Magic Powder

I started consuming LB-30 in 2021 and since then, my baby, hubby, mum, sis, bro, nephew and niece are all consuming this probiotic. It is definitely the star product for our family, helping with various issues like digestion, bloating, and immunity. Wish I had discovered this probiotic much earlier and I wouldn’t have to suffer so much previously.

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LB-30 graphic illustration
Women's Health category icon

Women's Health

Confident with better skin

My skin condition used to be really bad. I saw improvements in my skin when I started using skin care, but I decided to try Borage Seed Oil and saw that my skin condition became even better within a month. I've been using it continuously for three years now. Besides improving my skin complexion, it also relieved discomfort during my monthly cycle. Now, I feel more confident with better skin.

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Borage Seed Oil graphic illustration

My period has been more regular

Since taking Black Currant Seed Oil 3 years ago, my period has been more regular and no longer feel crampy. I can go to work unaffected and I feel and look better as a whole!

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Ying Ru

Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration

Less discomfort during my period

This is the first health supplement I've tried and I find my period more regular and feel less discomfort during the time of the month.

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Wei Lun

Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration
Beauty & Skin reviews category icon

Beauty & Skin

Hydrating my skin from inside out

I really love HA Jelly. Its texture is just like berry-flavoured jelly—sweet, refreshing, super delicious! Back then, I only knew about hydrating my skin with face masks. But after discovering Avance, I realised that hydrating from the inside out is equally important. HA Jelly is the perfect choice. Its compact and portable packaging allows me to replenish moisture anytime, anywhere, making it a fantastic snack for both work and leisure. Combined with Collagen Plus, my skin is now more hydrated and radiant!

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Vivian Wang

HA Jelly graphic illustration Collagen Plus graphic illustration

GLO Caps truly amazed me

I started my Avance journey after hearing about the products' significant effects, so I decided to start by trying out GLO Caps.

To my surprise, within just two months, I noticed that my overall skin tone became brighter, and even my liver spots showed remarkable improvement! This truly amazed me as I've been in the health supplement industry for five years and have been consistently taking health supplements. Through research and comparison, I discovered how amazing Avance products truly are!

The quality of Avance products encouraged me to share it with the people around me. Whether it's GLO Caps, DORS or Black Currant Seed Oil, everyone really liked the supplements. Avance products are indeed fantastic!

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GLO Caps graphic illustration

I saw visible improvements

My skin condition on my left and right cheeks was affected due to hormonal imbalance. I started taking Black Currant Seed Oil, 2 softgels a day and noticed an improvement on my skin condition in just 2 months. Now I'm 6 months in with regular use.

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Black Currant Seed Oil graphic illustration

My skin got better

Now that I'm past the age of 25, I finally realised the importance of skin care as I find my skin losing collagen quickly.

Now, I'm taking one stick of Collagen Plus a day to improve my condition. My skin has gotten better from the inside out!

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Si Yu

Collagen Plus graphic illustration

Great taste and benefits

My favourite Avance supplement is HA Jelly. Before pregnancy, I thought it was just a nice tasting jelly. After giving birth, my skin and body felt dry, dehydrated and seemed to have lost its bounce. Applying moisturiser didn't help much. I started to take 2 sticks of HA Jelly a day and the effects were almost immediate. Not only did my face feel more hydrated, the skin on my body felt smooth and supple. Because of its great taste and obvious benefits, I'm now taking HA Jelly everyday!

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Rui Ling

HA Jelly graphic illustration
Vitamins & Minerals reviews category icon

Vitamins & Minerals

Suitable for city dwellers

My hands and feet used to get cold really easily. After taking a bottle of One Plus A Day, I don't get cold as easily as before. I also feel more energetic and less fatigued. It's really suitable for busy city dwellers. I dine out often, so it's hard for me to meet my daily nutrition requirements. Taking a capsule of One Plus A Day helps me to maintain my energy level throughout the day.

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Grace Ku

One Plus A Day graphic illustration

I really felt a difference

Initially, I only took One Plus A Day as an additional supplement to strengthen my immune system. After taking it for a few days, I really felt a difference! I feel more energetic every day. I also noticed that my skin became better, which was a surprise! I diligently take a capsule of One Plus A Day every day now.

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One Plus A Day graphic illustration

More energised, better sleep and concentration

I'm a light sleeper, so I don't usually have quality sleep and it’s harder for me to fall asleep too. I'm always feeling tired and have to take power naps so I can have the energy to last through the day.

The most worrying part is, I often black out when I stand up after sitting for too long. But after consuming One Plus A Day, by the 3rd week, I realised I've slept better, I’m not as tired as before, and my issue of blacking out is gone! I always thought it’s a lack of sugar intake that was causing my blackouts. But after taking One Plus A Day, I believed that I was lacking in some vitamins and minerals, which I had no idea.

After my own experience, I highly recommend all my friends and family to take One Plus A Day as the food we take daily definitely can’t fill in our daily minerals and vitamins intake. It's so easy to consume, just 1 per day in the morning. I feel more energised, my concentration is better, and most importantly, I can sleep better too! If you’re not sure what supplements you need, start with One Plus A Day!

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Mei Wei

One Plus A Day graphic illustration

*Reviews are shared by real users and provided for reference purposes only. Individual results may vary.