
I could feel the difference

I used to feel tired all the time and yawned frequently, even when my sleep hours were sufficient. It felt like my energy levels were not enough to match my day. I could feel the difference after finishing a bottle! I feel a lot more energetic in the day and find myself yawning lesser. My husband who has been staying up late and doesn't exercise often has also started taking PhosChol 565 and my daughter too.


I feel more energetic

I've had difficulty going to sleep for many years and depended on sleeping pills each night. Even then, I could only manage up to 4 hours of sleep on most nights and my sleep quality was poor. I felt tired most of the time. It was hard to focus at work.

The TCM told me that my liver health was poor, which affected my sleep quality. I started taking 2 softgels of PhosChol 565 a day and after 3 months, I found myself sleeping better as my liver health improved – I woke up lesser at night and no longer needed sleeping pills. As I continued taking PhosChol 565, I'm having more restful nights and wake up feeling energetic and refreshed!

*Reviews are shared by real users and provided for reference purposes only. Individual results may vary.