Mary Yeo

Currently on my second bottle

I started taking One Plus A Day in July. I’m currently on my second bottle and after taking it for a week, I noticed that I could sleep throughout the night. Before this, I used to wake up two to three times at night and could hardly get back to sleep. I also noticed that I don't yawn so frequently, and my eyes are not teary and dry. Taking One Plus A Day helped to boost my energy level and alertness.

Grace Ku

Suitable for city dwellers

My hands and feet used to get cold really easily. After taking a bottle of One Plus A Day, I don't get cold as easily as before. I also feel more energetic and less fatigued. It's really suitable for busy city dwellers. I dine out often, so it's hard for me to meet my daily nutrition requirements. Taking a capsule of One Plus A Day helps me to maintain my energy level throughout the day.

May Ling

Less tired and more energised

One Plus A Day is great, it really helped to improve my body condition. I don’t feel tired so easily and my energy level is much better. It’s tough to meet the daily nutritional requirement with just my daily diet, but One Plus A Day helps to solve this problem as I take 2 capsules a day. It’s easy to consume.


My energy level and physical strength have gone up

I was so excited to try One Plus A Day. I’ve been taking it for 20 days and I don’t feel any digestive discomfort. I feel that my energy level and physical strength have gone up too.

The air-conditioning in my office is really strong. When I stay in the office for more than two hours, my hands and feet will get really cold. After taking One Plus A Day for more than two weeks, I can feel a noticeable difference and I don’t get cold as easily. Even if I stay in the office for half a day without wearing an outerwear, my hands and feet won’t turn chilly.

Wan Ling


Consuming One Plus A Day has increased my energy levels and body temperature! Now, I don’t feel as tired even after a long day and my hands and feet doesn’t feel as cold anymore. As One Plus A Day contains several essential vitamins and minerals, I find it convenient that I only have to take 1 capsule a day to complement my daily diet and ensure my nutrition gaps are adequately filled. I highly recommend One Plus A Day to people who have no time to monitor their diet but would like to increase their nutrition intake!

Si Hui

Many kinds of vitamins in just a bottle

I feel that after taking One Plus a Day, my body does not fall sick so easily. It contains many kinds of vitamins in just a bottle and I love it! It’s very easy to consume as I do not have to take many different supplements for the nutrients. I feel that this is very good for those who don’t eat a healthy diet, miss out on the important nutrients or those who do not like to take much vegetables and fruits.

Edna See

Do not feel as giddy anymore

Before I started taking One Plus A Day, I used to have an issue of giddiness. Usually, I will feel giddy when I bend down or stand up abruptly. After taking One Plus A Day for two weeks, I realised that I do not feel as giddy anymore. This product worked really quickly and effectively for me. It's also very easy to consume and does not have the strong Vitamin B smell that most multivitamins have.


Boosted my nutritional intake

After taking One Plus A Day, I felt that my energy level has increased, and I don’t feel so tired in the afternoon. It also helps to boost my nutritional intake.

Jamie Ann

Changes were pretty drastic for me

It really does make a difference when your body is lacking essential vitamins. You can feel it in different forms: tiredness, lethargy, lack of concentration and irritable mood and I’ve personally been through them. After taking One Plus A Day for just a month, the changes were pretty drastic for me. I had the energy to get through the day without feeling tired easily and my concentration has been pretty great.


I really felt a difference

Initially, I only took One Plus A Day as an additional supplement to strengthen my immune system. After taking it for a few days, I really felt a difference! I feel more energetic every day. I also noticed that my skin became better, which was a surprise! I diligently take a capsule of One Plus A Day every day now.


Less tired overall

I often sleep very late. After taking One Plus A Day, I feel that my energy level has increased! It is also easy to consume because it's a pill. I no longer need to take short naps because I feel less tired overall. I recommend it to fellow mummies like me who sleep late but need to wake up early to send kids to school!


Easy to consume

I don't feel as tired as before after taking One Plus A Day. I love that it's easy to consume – just 1 pill a day!

Mei Wei

More energised, better concentration and sleep

I'm a light sleeper, so I don't usually have quality sleep and it’s harder for me to fall asleep too. I'm always feeling tired and have to take power naps so I can have the energy to last through the day.

The most worrying part is, I often black out when I stand up after sitting for too long. But after consuming One Plus A Day, by the 3rd week, I realised I've slept better, I’m not as tired as before, and my issue of blacking out is gone! I always thought it’s a lack of sugar intake that was causing my blackouts. But after taking One Plus A Day, I believed that I was lacking in some vitamins and minerals, which I had no idea.

After my own experience, I highly recommend all my friends and family to take One Plus A Day as the food we take daily definitely can’t fill in our daily minerals and vitamins intake. It's so easy to consume, just 1 per day in the morning. I feel more energised, my concentration is better, and most importantly, I can sleep better too! If you’re not sure what supplements you need, start with One Plus A Day!

*Reviews are shared by real users and provided for reference purposes only. Individual results may vary.